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 Post subject: диета 7 стол
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:11 am 
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:39 am 
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 Post subject: atkins recipes low carb atkins recipes with jello atkins rec
PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:57 pm 
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If you don't know what the Atkins Diet is, where have you been for the last 10 years? The Atkins Diet is a low carb diet developed over twenty years ago by Dr Robert Atkins, an American heart specialist. It is one of the most popular low carb diets around, and people who have used it have been very successful in meeting their weight loss goals. The Atkins diet is a wonderful diet that can be highly effective for many people. It sounds like a simple question, but most people I've talked to really aren't sure exactly what the Atkins diet is. The Atkins diet is a high-protein, high-fat, and very low-carbohydrate regimen and is great for those that love the thought of a fry-up every morning. The science behind the Atkins diet is based on changing the body's metabolism. The principle behind the this is something called Ketosis. The Atkins Diet is an attempt to trick your body into burning stored fat rather than the carbohydrates you consume for energy. A plus of The Atkins Diet is that exercise is recommended and the majority of the people in-fact do lose weight. One drawback of the Atkins Diet is that it can become boring although the most serious drawback of the Atkins diet is that it limits fruits and vegetables. The Atkins diet is also seductive because it makes physiological sense. As the Atkins diet is nutritionally restrictive, vitamin and mineral supplements are advised while on the diet. Whatever the answer, the Atkins diet is not a licence to eat as much fat as you want. The Atkins Diet is a lifetime dietary approach and is probably the most controversial diet plans ever written although also probably the most successful diet of the last few years in terms of books and products sold. It has it's pros and cons and also equal numbers of people who are for and against it. As with any form of dieting it is highly recommended that you contact your doctor before starting.Whatever diet you choose to follow, Good Luck. Make sure you do you research well and be sensible. There is an excellent e book available called Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution which gives you all of the information you need to follow the plan and be successful.
17 million people have tried dr Atkins diet. They can eat all the food that we normally can't on a diet, and they can eat as much as they want of it. Some think that this diet can be lethal, and others thank dr Atkins for being able to finally lose weight.The diet forbids allmost all carbohydrates. Food with a lot of starch like pasta and bread, and also a lot of fruits and vegetables. Almost anything that contains sugar is forbidden. What is allowed is protein and fat rich food like meat, fish, eggs and oils. Dr Atkins actually tried the diet on himself first and then on his patients.Dr Atkins' diet became very popular very fast, and scientists started criticising his diet. Atkins had trouble with actually explaining how his diet worked. It contradicts one of the fundamental laws of the universe. The thermodynamic law. The law states that energy can't be created or dissappear, it can only transform into different forms of energy. So where do all the extra energy you eat on this diet go?Energy has many forms. Food is one form of energy measured in calories. Physics states that no where in the universe can energy just dissappear, but in Dr Atkins' dietuniverse it is possible to eat as many calories as you want to, and still lose weight. The attacks on dr Atkins' diet got more serious and a lot of scientists thought dr Atkins' diet to be potentially lethal.A lot of people bought dr Atkins books about the Atkins diet, but still there were no explanation as to where the calories went. When dr Atkins was forced to come up with an explanation his explanation was that the body transforms fat and protein into energy in a different way than it does with carbohydrates. The body has to work a lot harder to transform proteins or fat into energy and a lot of the energy transforms into heat.It was first when the scientists looked at the log books of the dieters that the mystery became revealed. The diaries showed that even though they could eat as much as they wanted, they didn't eat more than people eat on a low calorie diet. Why? It's the proteins. They suppress hunger. The fat in the Atkins diet is unhealthy and works against its purpose. A very high protein diet would replicate the results without all the fat. Even though dr Atkins' diet can help people lose weight it's hard to say what kind of an impact it has on our health.
Raspberries with whipped cream, steak, bacon and eggs, lobster, coffee with foods they're not, right?Wrong. The foods listed above are actually part of an effective low carbohydrate diet regimen leading to permanent weight loss.Weight loss without deprivation is what the Atkins Diet is all about and unsurprisingly, this very attractive concept is what has made it such a hugely popular diet plan.Advocates of the Atkins Diet say that the key to saying goodbye to fat for good is in doing the low-carb diet the way it should be. Going back to one's old eating habits will bring back all the pounds pronto! It is essential that dieters master the four phases of the Atkins Nutritional Approach which include: the Induction Phase, Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance.Aside from the fact that good foods are not disallowed in the diet, the other great thing about the Atkins plan is that it does not focus on calorie counting. This diet proclaims that keeping track of one's carbohydrate intake is the key to lasting weight loss. The Atkins diet considers white flour and white sugar as public enemies No. 1 and No. 2 respectively. These substances are also believed to be the two major causes of the epidemic of obesity in America. In fact, according to most experts, as many as six in ten Americans are overweight.Dr. Robert Atkins, creator of this famous diet, first made his presence known in the field of weight loss in 1972 with the release of his book, Diet Revolution, which became a bestseller. As expected, he received a barrage of criticisms with his innovative diet approach, but in the end his plan not only survived, it thrived. Studies show that people who follow the Atkins philosophy may be able to lose from 6 to 20 pounds over the first two weeks eating foods that are normally excluded from most weight loss diet plans.Atkins stated that most people mistakenly assume the plan to be meat-based. Actually, the diet also includes cheeses, whole grains, fresh fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables. In other words, the Atkins approach can be easily adapted to one's low carb diet lifestyle. What's great about the program is that you can enjoy your diet by simply eating around the carbs. You don't have to count calories. You only have to count carbohydrates.Atkins advocates claim their appetite is much more under control because they lose that craving for sweets and carbohydrates. Their energy is better because they avoid the roller coaster ride of high/low blood sugars, which happens when excessive carbs are taken in. Their body composition changes. Their clothes fit them better. They lose inches. The majority of weight lost is fat mass.The Atkins Diet clearly makes a distinction between the two types of carbohydrates lest people start thinking that following the Atkins plan means they would have to forego carbs for the rest of their lives. She says that it is only the unhealthy carbs (foods made from white flour and white sugar) that need to go. These should then be replaced with low-calorie healthy carbs (some fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts). This is the most direct way of burning fat. When there are not enough carbohydrates available to be converted into energy, the body uses fat instead. Thus, by following the Atkins Nutritional Approach, the body is made to burn fat for fuel before they get the chance to accumulate in the arteries or fat cells. For this reason, the Atkins plan reduces dieters' risk for serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.The Atkins Nutritional Approach works for people, for people who suffer from carbohydrate addiction, for people who are overweight and for those not as physically active.
The Atkins Nutritional Approach is popularly known as the Atkins Diet or just Atkins. This a famous low carbohydrate diet created by Dr. Robert Atkins.The Atkins diet was popularized in a series of published books such as Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution and Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution (revised publication).The Atkins diet pointed out two main causes of obesity. The first was consumption of refined carbohydrates namely sugar, flour and high fructose syrups. The second was consumption of hydrogenated fats and saturated fats. According to Dr. Atkins claims that increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and dietary fat has actually contributed to the problem of obesity.The Atkins diet involves restriction of utilization of carbohydrates and more usage of stored body fats. This process is called ketosis. Ketosis is the chief mechanism by which stored lipids are used for fuel and in the Atkins' process the body alternates between glucose metabolism and ketosis.Dr. Atkins claims that a low low-carbohydrate diet produces a metabolic advantage where the body burns more calories and compared to normal diets. The diet inhibits appetite and food intake and enhances burning of calories. One effect of this is a tendency to decrease the onset of hunger, perhaps due to longer duration of digestion.The Atkins Diet restricts "net carbs" i.e. carbohydrates that have an effect on blood sugar. Net carbohydrates can be calculated from food sources, by subtracting fiber and sugar alcohols from total carbohydrates.The Atkins diet comprises of four phases: induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance, & lifetime maintenance.InductionThis is the first phase in the Atkins diet and the most restrictive phase. It makes the body enter a state of kenosis quickly. The intake of carbohydrates is limited to 20 gms per day. 12-15 gms out of 20 gms of carbohydrates come from the consumption of greens and other vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, green beans and spinach.The foods allowed in the induction phase include a liberal amount of all fish, meats, fowl, shellfish & eggs, up to 4 ounces or 113 gms of semi-soft cheese, low carbohydrate vegetables, butter & vegetable oils. Consumption or 8 glasses of water is mandatory in this stage. A multivitamin with minerals is also recommended daily. Maximum weight loss occurs in this phase. 5 to 10 pounds per week weight loss is not uncommon.Ongoing weight lossThis phase consists in increasing the carbohydrate intake but keeping its consumption within the levels of weight loss. The daily carbohydrate intake in increased daily by 5gms. One of the goals in this phase is to find the "Critical Carbohydrate Level for Losing" is known as the OWL phase. The OWL phase continues till the weight is within 10 pounds or 4.5 kg of the targeted weight.During the first week, a person should add more of the induction acceptable vegetables to his/her daily products. The next week, one should follow the carbohydrate ladder that Dr Atkins created for this phase and add fresh dairy. The ladder has 9 rungs. You may skip a rung if you don't intend to include that food group in your eating pattern.The rungs are as follows:- Induction acceptable vegetables- Fresh dairy- Nuts- Berries- Alcohol- Legumes- Other fruits- Starchy vegetables- GrainsPre-maintenanceThis phase also sees the carbohydrate intake increased by 5 net carbs a week according to the ladder groupings, and the main goal in this phase is to discover the "Critical Carbohydrate Level for Maintenance", i.e. the maximum number of carbohydrates you may intake per day without gaining any weight.Lifetime maintenanceThis last phase is intent on helping you to carry on the habits acquired in the previous phases, and avoid the common mindset of "end-of-diet" that can compel people to their previous habits, life style and previous obese state as well. Whole and unprocessed choices of food are stressed upon and you have the option of falling back to an earlier phase if you begin to gain weight at any point of time.
Everyone says that the Atkins diet is the most popular diet out there. Dr. Robert Atkins created the Atkins Diet. Dr. Robert Atkins was really overweight to begin with so he found a diet for the body to be able to burn fat and how to teach it. There are many reasons out there why Atkins works. Would you like to know some of them? The first reason i can think of for why Atkins works is that the diet has low carbs. The diet is made up of 80%-90% of protein and only about 10%-20% of carbs. This will force the body to have to burn fat, protein and carbs for energy before ensuring that fat is being burned. Ok so the second reason why Atkins works is that it is a low calorie diet also. So you will be consuming less calories and in the process losing weight. Now the third reason why Atkins works is because it's high in protein and the muscles begin to provide energy that is needed for your daily activities. So the more muscles that you have the more fat you are going to burn in the long term. The forth reason why Atkins works is because of the nature of the carbs. These carbs are mostly complex carbs. Veggies and fruits are simple sugars and white sugar and white bread will increase your insulin levels and store fat in the process. Ok so the fifth reason why Atkins works is because it is rich in minerals and vitamins from complex carbs. Nutrients help you to increase your level of chemical processes in your body which will start the metabolic process that is going to contribute to your weight loss efforts. The sixth reason why Atkins works is because the body is rapidly starting to absorb the simple carbs which cause your blood sugar to start to peak and then triggers an insulin reaction which results in conversion of calories. It will reduce sugars and processed grains also which will help you lose weight. Dr. Atkins has made suggestions that we should have a diet that is rich in fiber and replaces simple carbs and complex carbs like whole wheat, fruit, brown rice, veggies, legumes, and in there natural form as well. The seventh reason why Atkins works is because it does not require you to have willpower. You will be able to choose when you don't want to exercise and you'll be sticking to a diet that is low in fat and proteins of bacon, chicken, meat, butter, eggs, cheese, yogurt, black coffee, fish, duck peppers, and other veggies and fruits. The last reason why Atkins works is because it cuts a wide range of healthy risk factors including those with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension also.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:40 am 
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:06 am 
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:30 pm 
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:46 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:16 am 
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 Post subject: бесплатная диета РѕС‚ ксюши Р±РѕСЂРѕРґРё
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:12 am 
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